Thinking of Joining then Please read the induction section by clicking on the inductions link on the right.
Runner's high is real, and once you've experienced it, there's no turning back.
3K Junior Series for under 15 and under 13, with new category for Under 11.
Free item to all entrants taking part in three out of five races.
The series will be run over five events as follows, all on Wednesdays: -
5 K £5.00 affiliated, £7.00 unattached
3 K £3.00
Entries will only be taken on the night, therefore please allow plenty of time (at least 30 minutes) to collect your number and get to the start. Entry forms can be downloaded from the website
All races have Course Measurement Certificate, are accurately measured, permitted & run under either UK Athletics or ARC rules.
Start Time:
- 3K Junior race starts at 7:00 pm (at all events)
- 5K Senior race starts at 7:30 pm (at all events)
Event Prizes.
5K - Each event will attract on the night a £10 voucher for first man & first woman
3K - Each event will attract on the night a £5 voucher for the first boy & the first girl
Scoring to be based on race points regardless of position in category on the night
Series prizes will consist of vouchers and will be awarded at the Mike Barnsdale 5K or sent in the post to those unable to attend.
These will be based on runners best three results out of the five events and will be as follows: -
First place in the following categories: U17 and U20, Vets 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 & 70 all £15.
Men – First £35, Second £25, Third £15
Second place in these categories will receive £10, Third place £5
First place in the following categories: U17 and U20, Vets 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 & 65, all £15.
Women – First £35, Second £25, Third £15
Second place in each of these categories will receive £10, Third place £5
Juniors (3k)-
Boys under 11, under 13 and under 15 – First place £15, Second place £10, Third place £5
Girls under 11, under 13 and under 15 – First place £15, Second place £10, Third place £5
3K = under 11 and 13 on 31st August last year + under 15 on 31st August last year
5K = under 17 on 31st August last year + under 20 on 31st August last year
all other categories at least 20 on 31st August last year
RESULTS AND INFO AT https://www.peterboroughgpseries.org.uk/